Former state Rep. Joel Rudman isn’t sitting out of the race to succeed him in House District 3.
He’s backing Assistant State Attorney Hayden Hudson over eight other Republican Primary candidates as his preferred successor, citing Hudson’s lifelong residency, support of Gov. Ron DeSantis and endorsements from other conservative figures and groups.
“He is a native of Santa Rosa County, a tireless worker for law-abiding citizens in the office of Ginger Bowden Madden, an aggressive anti-crime prosecutor, a 2nd Amendment supporter, a staunch believer in deporting illegal aliens, and a strong defender of our rights and liberties,” Rudman said in a statement.
“Unlike other candidates, Hayden is not bought by special interests, nor does he intend to make a career out of this. Whereas other candidates have sued Santa Rosa County, Hayden loves Santa Rosa County. Unlike other candidates who have bankrolled Swampy Santa Rosa County Commissioners, Hayden knows right from wrong and fights for justice every day in court on behalf of our citizens (and he) will protect our freedoms and liberties while pursuing Gov. DeSantis’ goal to implement the America First agenda of President (Donald) Trump.”
Others backing Hudson include former U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho, former state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, Florida Gun Owners of America and America First Insight.
Hudson thanked Rudman for his support, writing on X, “Together we will defeat the swamp.”
In the Primary next month, Hudson faces Nathan Boyles, Rena McQuaig, Wade Merritt, Shon Owens, Joshua Silk, Cindy Smith and Jamie Wells.
Hudson and Boyles, a former Okaloosa County Commissioner, are neck-and-neck in fundraising and endorsements. Boyles yesterday netted nods from Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, who outpaced Rudman in a Republican Primary for Congress just over a month ago, and the Florida Chamber of Commerce.
HD 3 covers all of Santa Rosa County and an inland portion of Okaloosa County. The district leans heavily Republican — Rudman won re-election in November with more than 78% of the vote — meaning the Republican Primary’s victor is heavily favored to defeat the lone Democrat running, Dondre Wise.
The Primary for HD 3 is on April 1, followed by the Special General Election on June 10.
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