More constitutional officers may have a chance to fight back against budget constraints with help of statewide elected officials, if a bill filed Friday passes.
Rep. Griff Griffits’ HB 7007 would let elections supervisors and clerks of courts appeal budgets to the state Administration Commission, which is made up of the Governor and the Cabinet.
If the Panama City Beach Republican’s bill becomes law, that would given them the same latitude sheriffs have had for decades. The appellants would have to give their reasons for appeal in their filings with the Governor’s Office.
From there, the local lawmakers would have five days to respond to the grievance.
After the response, the Governor’s Office would set up a timely hearing of the Administration Commission.
From there, the proposal would give 30 days to determine a resolution. That could include accepting one side’s proposed resolution or a combination of line items that could be a state-brokered compromise.
This law would take effect in July, potentially leaving a tight window for local budgets that take effect October 1 and are often passed just before the beginning of the new fiscal year.
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