
Casey DeSantis punts when asked if she’s running for Governor



The First Couple clearly isn’t ruling out a third term in the Governor’s Mansion, but they aren’t willing to commit to an unprecedented run either.

The looming drama over the Governor’s race is whether First Lady Casey DeSantis runs against Donald Trump-endorsed Byron Donalds in the 2026 Primary.

She sidestepped a direct question at the National Review Institute’sIdea Summit,” extolling her husband as “the GOAT” and offering vague criticisms of other politicians she wouldn’t name as part of a “long-winded answer” that ended with “we’ll see.”

“All that he has done is extremely fragile. You could get somebody in and it could revert back,” she said of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

She also condemned politicians who “think about what’s next on the next political rung in their career.”

“The founders never thought that politics should ever have been a career, right? You were supposed to go up and serve, and you come home and you live under the laws that you pass. But it’s really changed,” said the wife of a man who ran for Senate while in Congress, and then ran for President immediately after being elected Governor a second time.

The Governor said that “leadership is going to continue to matter,” given that forces “in and around Tallahassee” don’t like a lot of what he’s done, and that as a result “the success in Florida is very, very fragile.”

There’s a lot of people that don’t like what we’ve done on the Republican side. And there’s a lot of people that are just kind of waiting like, ‘we just got to get this guy out of here so that we can kind of go back to business.’ There is that sentiment out there,” he said.

“We’ve been the example that a lot of people, conservatives around the country, have pointed to. But I don’t think that this is on autopilot that’s going to continue in this direction.”.

Later in the interview, he promised that Casey, were she Governor, would “be more conservative” than him.

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